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Mission to Cabinda – University Onze de Novembro (UON)


During the 19th and 20th of September 2019, a delegation from CIBIO, composed by Carlos Almeida Pereira, Scientific Coordinator of the Network of TwinLabs and of the UNESCO Chair Life on Land, Fernando Sequeira, Scientific Coordinator of the Network of TwinLabs, and Susana Lopes, responsible for the technical laboratory services at CIBIO, met in the Angolan city of Cabinda with the Rector, the Rectory Staff and the Dean and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of UON. Kiara Neto, responsible for the Social Sector from Chevron / Cabinda Gulf 2 (a company with a strong implementation in the province, and with a relevant social action) also attended the meetings.

The objective of the mission was to find points of contact and collaboration between the institutions, for the ultimate goal of contributing to the development of the region, namely in what concerns to projects for protection of biodiversity and environmental education, related to the Maiombe Forest.

In this meetings, an agreement leading to the integration of the University Onze de Novembro in the CIBIO’s TwinLab of Angola was preliminarily tackled.