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Signature of Protocols U. Porto - Provincial Government of Huíla and University of Porto - University Mandume Ya Ndemufayo


Between May 25 and June 1, 2019, a diplomatic and scientific mission from the University of Porto (UP) and CIBIO was organized to Angola, whose main objective was the signing of a Cooperation Protocol between UP and the Provincial Government of Huíla. The agreement, based on a partnership initiated in 2018 for the establishment of a future Museum / Science Centre for Development in Lubango – an action integrated in the UNESCO Chair Life on Land work plan and which constitutes a crucial instrument in the implementation of CIBIO’s TwinLabs Programme in Angola – aims to promote collaboration between the parties in the academic and scientific areas, as well as in technical, social, cultural and economic fields, in view of studying the biodiversity and protecting the environment of that Angolan province.

On May 26 a reception was held to the delegation of UP at the Lubango Airport.

The 27th, with an extensive programme, started with an exploration mission to the Old Railway Station of Lubango, followed by a visit to ISCED's Biological Collections.

This was followed by a Workshop in the Provincial Government of Huíla, in which, in addition to the interventions of the Rector of UP and the Director of CIBIO, technical and scientific presentations were held, by the Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair Life on Land, and by the architects responsible for the rehabilitation and landscape intervention project for the building of the future Museum / Science Centre of Huíla.

On the 28th, a regional meeting took place with the higher education institutions of the region (with new technical-scientific presentations) and, afterwards, the delegation headed to the University Mandume Ya Ndemufayo where a Cooperation Protocol was signed between the UP and the University Mandume, in view of establishing a new TwinLab agreement.

The 29th was reserved for a visit to the province of Namibe, in which the delegation of UP had the opportunity to visit the Namibe Academy of Fisheries and Sea Sciences, the city of Tombwa and the Namibe desert.

On May 30, before departure, two meetings took place: at the Railway Company of Moçâmedes, in which the assignment of the building of the old railway station for the future museum was sealed; and at the Superior Polytechnic Institute of Huíla.